When you hire your first employee you enter the world of Human Resources Management. Are You Prepared? Drawing on my thirty years’ experience as a…
Human Resources for Small Business in Ontario
Pam Urie, CHRP, has over twenty-five years' experience in Human Resources with a Fortune 1000 medical instrument company and a major Canadian chartered bank. She is now focused on assisting small businesses in Waterloo Region, as a freelance consultant.
Pam became a fan of The Birkman Method® early in her career, and credits the motivational assessment tool with helping her to develop her own Emotional Intelligence. She has used The Birkman Method® for teambuilding and counselling as an H.R. Manager, and as an H.R. Consultant.
For information or assistance with your H.R. needs, contact Pam at purie@urhr.ca or Phone: 226-750-3596
When you hire your first employee you enter the world of Human Resources Management. Are You Prepared? Drawing on my thirty years’ experience as a…